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Detailed Modeling of Ribbon Degradation Lifetime

The ribbon lifetime will be determined by its degradation in the space environment. Initial estimates of this lifetime have been made but a detailed alanysis that combines all the environmental effects and their interaction must be made.

Specific Work

  1. Definition paper of the environmental effects and what role they play: radiation, lightning, wear, UV, atomic oxygen,…
  2. Modeling of the effects initially in a spreadsheet.

File:Ribbon tests.odt initial tests by Edwards

Ongoing Work

Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
