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Ribbon Attachment Mechanism

At the anchor station the ribbon must be attached in a similar way to how it is held by the climber. It must be held with adjustable tension and be ready to reel in or reel out many miles of ribbon on demand.

Specific Work

  1. Dynamic modeling of the possible operational scenarios of the ribbon.
    • Climber mounting and ascent - tension abruptly drops and then slowly increases
    • Wind loading and unloading
    • Oscillation damping

Ongoing Work

Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
