This page will highlight recent work posted on this Wiki and possibly links to external work that directly affect our effort. <issues search="false" filter="false"/>
Archived Material
7/30/2008 Added page in the baseline ribbon on dynamics focusing on work by David Lang
7/26/2008 New work space on woven interconnects. Go to Work Space #1 under the second issue on the ribbon page
7/24/2008: Exponential Tether Deployment by Blaise Gassend under Deployment
7/24/2008: Filled in the details for about half the item listed under work that needs to be done. This should help define the tasks and please feel free to contact me (Edwards) with any technical questions on issues or how to get started.
7/24/2008: Templates were inserted for User pages so everyone can fill in their contact information and what they are interested in. Please feel free to add anything else you feel is relevant.
7/24/2008: Some mail servers are very picky and are silently throwing away messages from the wiki. For now, you don't need to confirm your e-mail address to make changes.
7/20/2008: Added support for embedding Google spreadsheets.
7/15/2008: Issue tracker was added!
7/13/2008: Domain was registered!