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Climber tracking

The ribbon is a thin, loosely held assembly of axial fibers. Grabbing the ribbon and ascending it without running off one side is a challenge. On more rigid structures it has already been demonstrated but not on thin ribbons. A good analog may be printing presses that run wide, thin sheets at high speeds.

Specific Work

  1. Definition paper based on current knowledge of running continuous sheets through roller systems
  2. Detailed design focusing on passive tracking – canted rollers, shaped cylinders,... with active tracking as an alternative

Ongoing Work

Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
