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About the Space Elevator Development Wiki


This wiki is intended to be a repository of information and a baseline for research of the space elevator. The general purpose is to provide a structure for collaborative work on the space elevator.

  1. One of the premises of the free software movement is that: a proof of concept, running code, and presence of community are all that are necessary for success in an intellectual endeavor. Cataloging a critical mass of models, spreadsheets, simulations, and documentation, in open formats, will attract people to help find and solve problems and provide the knowledge needed for the inevitable construction of the space elevator.
  2. No toys. Anything can be modeled in software so we will increasingly aim to simulate the real thing. With good software, the hardware work will be more directed and more useful.
  3. Crawl, walk, run. We have big goals which is fine, and we will get there one step at a time. Any progress is good, however, we are too small to do waste, which is the "No toys" mantra above, and why we should reuse as much as possible.
  4. Unfortunately a space elevator is a lot of hardware and therefore device drivers. But there are software pieces that can be done today.


  1. Provide accurate information on the construction of a viable space elevator
  2. Be the source of technical information during the initial stages of construction