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Revision as of 06:27, 21 June 2008 by Keithcu (talk | contribs)
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The Space Elevator Development Wiki


This Wiki site is intended to be the backbone for an open source development of the space elevator. It will be a repository of information and a baseline for future work. Like opensource software, the core of knowledge will be maintained and all are welcome to contribute. Each contribution will be refined and added to the core. The ultimate goal is to provide the knowledge needed for the inevitable construction of the space elevator.


Keith Curtis Bradley Edwards

Primary Components

1. Baseline space elevator design

 - to be used as a common starting point for ongoing work
 - will be updated continuously as new refinements are made

2. Archive of detailed work

 - detailed calculations, images, designs, etc. will be stored for use and easy retrieval

3. Simulation software

 - resource code for conducting simulations of elevator components and interactions 
 - current understanding of relationships will be incorporated