One thing we should think about is whether we should dump tons of C/C++ into the tree just to build it once so we can then call it from C#. Maybe we could just dump the few release DLLs into the system and save people from having to compile the mess.
We may change torcs, but likely not the Intel code, for example.
Coding stuff
Building Intel Code
File:Ubuntu 8.04 OpenCV Install Guide.odt
Building Torcs
sudo apt-get install build-essential mesa-common-dev libsdl1.2 libsdl1.2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-image1.2-dev libalut-dev libopenal-dev plib1.8.4-dev freeglut3-dev
How to fix?
configure: error: Can't find libX11. Please check config.log and if you can't solve the problem send the file to with the subject "torcs compilation problem"
You should do:
./configure --x-libraries=/usr/lib --x-includes=/usr/include