Major SE Challenges
- Energy in ribbon
- As a material is stretched it stores energy. In the case of the SE this energy can be released quickly when the ribbon is damaged.
- The question is where does the energy go? Is the CNT thread and even the ribbon vaporized or does it go elsewhere? Can we control where it goes to minimize the damage.
- Detailed material’s science and engineering are required to address this issue.
- A detailed computer model is likely needed
- Optimal ribbon design
- Minimize mass / Maximize strength
- Maximize resistance to damage
- Splicing
- Full engineering designs and implementation scenarios are required for splicing ribbons during deployment.
- Experimental tests of ribbon in atomic oxygen
- With and without metal coating
- Evaluate strength vs exposure
- Radiation protection for humans in transit
- Start with Ander’s work and evaluate extent of issue
- Outline potential solutions
- Speed
- Active shielding
- Passive shielding
- Work out a scenario using solutions to allow humans to transit on elevator
- Climber tracking
- Requires fairly complex mechanical simulation with forces
- Focus on passive roller design – canted rollers, non-straight cylinders
- Spooling of initial ribbon for launch
- Determine standard ribbon spooling techniques and compare to what we need
- Detailed modeling of ribbon degradation lifetime
- Full modeling of impacts, radiation , lightning, wear, UV, …
- Ribbon attachment mechanism
- Auto tensioning
- Spooling out and in
- Full system design of climber
- Rollers
- Structure
- Motors
- Electronics
- Solar Cells
- Get commercial parts
- Full budget analysis of operations.