Software Architecture

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Software Architecture

Diagram File:Vision.odg (Uses OpenOffice -- install it if you haven't already!)

There will be 3 main modules:

  • Driving
  • Vision
  • World Simulator


Driving module will use an interface like this of Torcs:

  • Input: high level information from the Vision and world simulator.
  • Output: high level orders to the simulator (which may be replaced by a real car).


Vision module I/O:

  • Input: screenshot of the world (real or virtual).
  • Output: object geometry, etc. and other information necessary to the AI.

World Simulator

World simulator I/O:

  • Input: Progression of time, instructions to the car
  • Output: visual output for the user, screenshots for vision module, APIs to find out where stuff actually is. A warning when our car has "crashed", which means there is a bug in the vision or driving logic.