World Simulator
Torcs in C#
Preliminary tasks:
- Compile torcs as a library, with very high interface: TorcsLaunch().
- Make a C# wrapper to it.
- Launch torcs from Mono.
(see linux/main.cpp)
Secondary tasks:
- Evaluate how much code must be ported to C# so that rendering and driving code can be run without needing to call C# code from C++ (which I believe is hard / or just bad / or impossible).
- Do it! (if it sounds good).
Torcs 3D Engine.
A low cost way to get a more professional looking 3D engine is to improve the existing one little by little. Which what I believe to be a good way to do. Eventually I'll fork the existing engine, because it will certainly require a higher-end computer.
Here is the list of improvements we can get, mainly by making use of OpenGL 2.0 features (Shaders, Buffers Objects).
Without too much work we can achieve:
- Per-pixel lighting [1]
- Phong
- Bump-mapping
- High-quality illumination model
A little more work:
- Fake sky reflections on coachwork and metallic parts (my personal algorithm) [4]
Big work:
New engine
Modular architecture already make this possible. The 3D engine implements an interface (defined in interfaces/graphic.h), it is given the high-level information about the track and cars and have to build and display its own geometry from this.
Make it in C# ? For now making a C# wrapper for the renderer would imply calling C# from C, is that possible? If possible, the whole src/interfaces headers have to be wrapped to C# then. (Cf Torcs in C#)
Notes by Jeko for Jeko
It's almost pure OpenGL, so very easy to tweak.
Main work is done in src/modules/graphic/ssggraph/grmain.cpp
It builds a list of "screens" (main screen, mirrors, etc)
Each screen set up the opengl parameters he like and render track, then cars, etc..
Rendering of the car is done here: src/modules/graphic/ssggraph/grcar.cpp, grDrawCar()