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Full budget analysis of operations.

Working with the technical people we need a full business analysis of the capital and operational costs of the space elevator.

Specific Work

  1. Full cost estimate of the construction of the space elevator based on existing subsystems and similar construction projects
  2. Full cost estimate of the operations of the space elevator
    • Based on a business model generating profits
    • Based on realistic market analysis

Prior Efforts

File:SE Financial.ods operational budget by Edwards
File:SEcosts.odt Running costs by Westling
File:SECOST1.ods Construction budget by Edwards
File:SE Cost Breakdown.odt Explanation of construction budget by Edwards

Ongoing Work

Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
Title:Open for Use:
  • Lead: Place Name Here
  • E-mail: Place E-mail Here
  • Focus: Write a brief line or two on what the page is to work on. This is so other might step up to help.
